

We are online!!!
As of now the festival.forum, our Summer conference of 2008, has got a website now:


*the Summer conference of the YouthSection at the Goetheanum will take on the form of a festival with characteristics of a forum this year. A festival.forum.
Young people who stand in our world as innovative and active human beings will be offering a diverse program of parallel conversation groups, workshops, podium discussions, lectures and more, from which the participants will choose their own program every day. Young Artists will accompany and move the program in a colourful way.

*the focus will be on the young human being as well as questions and topics he brings with him. What makes us work for a sustainable world? What thoughts arise during this work? What are themes, ideals, paradigms that are relevant in this time? The intense work of young people with different topics makes them experts in their fields of interest and by this they are valuable contributors to the world and in this also to the festival.forum. The festival.forum aims to showcase the youth forces, the so-called youth impulse, that young people can bring into this world.

*the festival.forum speaks to all generations and aims to reach out to young and older people beyond anthroposophical and national borders. With a versatile program the festival.forum offers both, a weekend-event for local people as well as a 5-day experience for our international guests.

See you there!!!

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