Feedback on the Open House YouthSection Weekend
"To meet and connect with people who are on the same level of interest as I am, always gives me strength to extend my ability to work on these subjects. On the other hand, we are critical on the things we talk about, which cares for a finetuning elemant in all conversations I had."
Jonathan, NL
"My highlight on the YouthSection Weekend was, that there was hardly any program given by the YouthSection itself, but that whoever came was allowed to bring his and her interest, questions and already established initiatives. For example the presentations from the YIP Participants, about what they do in their Youth Initiative Program in Sweden, the Connectivity 2010 Preparation Meetings, into which anyone could have a climps and put some input. Both of these initiatives make me excited for the future of the YouthSection network. I see many young faces coming to Dornach for more meetings, with interested eyes and strong and courageous hearts on their way of fulfilling their tasks in this world!!!"
Katharina, DE
Gepostet von Katharina unter 00:18 0 Kommentare
The YouthSection between the years...
In the twelce Holy Nights following Christmas Eve a group of young people from many places in the world will be meeting at the YouthSection.
Information about this Midnight Sun Meeting can be asked from martin (at)
Other activities will slow down over Christmas and will be taken up again at the end of January 2009.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!
Gepostet von Katharina unter 20:57 0 Kommentare
The YouthSection Dornach had a very successful Open House Weekend last weekend.
About 50 people from virtually all around the world joined us in Dornach to look at different topics. From Idems "Connectivity" over the Youth Sections "Health conference" to the YIP Participants presentations and the Network M meet-up.
Thanks to all that came and filled the YouthSection with joy!
Gepostet von Katharina unter 15:24 0 Kommentare
The Open House YS Weekend
Friday 28th
Dinner at 18.00h
Saturday 29th
Breakfast 8.00h
from 9.00 to 10.30 Elizabeth Wirsching would like to invite us all to an Opening with everyone present for the weekend (in House Julian)
In this time we can set the definite program for the weekend, then we will divide into our working groups.
Lunch at 13.00h
working time in groups
Dinner at 18.30h
Network M meet up after Dinner.
The content for this November Meet Up is a video with the Professor Frank Chester from San Francisco speaking about "Transformation: The Alchemy of Inner and Outer Development". A conversation will follow.
Sunday 30th
Breakfast at 8.00h
working time
Elizabeth Wirsching would like to invite us to the Closing of the weekend from 11.30h to 13.00h in House Julian
Lunch at 13.00h
Clean Up and departure...
Practical stuff:
We can offer you group accommodation (matresses, bring a sleeping bag!) in the Holzhaus on the Hill, donations are welcome!
Food costs will be shared and should amount to around 17 Euros/25 CHF
Please write to katharina at if you are planning to come, sleep and eat!
Gepostet von Katharina unter 13:02 0 Kommentare
Whatis the YouthSection?
For me the youth section is like a carefully crafted clay pot, sculptured by the people from the past. It is filled with (bio-dynamic) filterlised potting mix which contains many different types of wild flower seeds. We are each the different grains of soil - alone we cannot grow the seeds but together we can bring incrediable things to bloom.
I see the YouthSection as it appears, as a place and as an ideal in the world, as a beacon on a lone mountain peak. A fire that shines out into the world and can be seen and felt from afar. Mostly it is a cold and lonely job for the ones whose task it is to keep the fire going and although the fire keeps them warm it is for many varied others that they keep it burning in that barren place.
i see the youth section as a kind of mirror that reflects all the growing, youthful stars of the universe, revealing back to them their highest, brightest the same time, it is a kind of a star in and of itself, shedding its own light too...
For me, the Youthsection is an embassy. Maybe we should even have our own currency for the coffeemachine and the internet cafe! For me this is sacred ground, safe ground -- It;s a home for us young and old changemakeres, the movers and shakers -- A place to regroup, to come up with new ideas and meet long-lost and finally-found friends. There's a familiarity despite, or probably because of the many nationalities and cultures that meet here. It's not a place where people come to stay for too long, but it's a safe-haven and meeting point along the way.
Much love!
I ll try...
My picture of the YouthSection is of a place where things become real, a birth place of projects such as YIP and Idem. It is a place where things can come into this world, ideals and ideas become reality. It is not a place that can be taken for granted or taken over by any one impulse. It is a place to practise the gesture of respecting each other, to practise how to keep a common space healthy and open so that new impulses can be embraced. A learning space for us to understand the responsibility free individuals have in a shared world.
Gepostet von Katharina unter 18:23 0 Kommentare
Welcome back the YouthSection!!
Into our second week of our YouthSection year. We have just cleaned the house, we are beginning the meeting-the-team rhythm, every Monday over lunch, we are welcoming the new students at the Goetheanum this week, and otherwise we are way into the project preparation for the upcoming Connect conference (April 2009), the Health conference (at some point in February 2009) and the group working on "flame to flame" (an initiative that came out of our Summerconference,, more info soon)
Was ist an der Zeit II is going to take place in our house 1.-5. of October, and at the End of November we will be having our Open House-Weekend again.
Many small groups are meeting, many small waves are moving the surface of the big YouthSection Water. After a nice break in the Summer we are ready again to row!
We hope this blog will be giving you a lively and real picture of our work!!
The YouthSection,
Guy, Caitlin, Martin, Elizabeth und Katharina
Gepostet von Katharina unter 11:48 0 Kommentare
In the office we are still working on the YIP Program, our Summerconference a and the Initiative Meeting in July. Ani is sending out a newsletter every month now which you can find here...
At one of our teammeetings, where the Yippies had just come back from Sweden, and everyone else happened to be there, we took a picture that shows the signs of business on some of our faces ;)
Greetings from Dornach!
Gepostet von Katharina unter 15:02 0 Kommentare
We are online!!!
As of now the, our Summer conference of 2008, has got a website now:
Young people who stand in our world as innovative and active human beings will be offering a diverse program of parallel conversation groups, workshops, podium discussions, lectures and more, from which the participants will choose their own program every day. Young Artists will accompany and move the program in a colourful way.
*the focus will be on the young human being as well as questions and topics he brings with him. What makes us work for a sustainable world? What thoughts arise during this work? What are themes, ideals, paradigms that are relevant in this time? The intense work of young people with different topics makes them experts in their fields of interest and by this they are valuable contributors to the world and in this also to the The aims to showcase the youth forces, the so-called youth impulse, that young people can bring into this world.
*the speaks to all generations and aims to reach out to young and older people beyond anthroposophical and national borders. With a versatile program the offers both, a weekend-event for local people as well as a 5-day experience for our international guests.
See you there!!!
Gepostet von Katharina unter 20:28 0 Kommentare